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Solo exhibition in Hong Kong

12月2日ー2021年1月3日の期間、香港のTouch Galleryで個展が開催されます。



December 2nd- January 3rd

Solo exhibition in Hong Kong!

This time it is an exhibition of paintings and ceramic works.



外の世界の様々な人と会うことで刺激や影響を受け、作品を制作することが多かったこれまでと比べ、 COVID-19の影響により、私の日々の生活の中で触れ合う人や物は、妻と家族・飼っている動物や庭の植物など、とても狭い範囲になりました。

今回の展示作品は、 そういった状況下で、内へ内へと入っていった自己の興味や、妻や家族・過去の思い出などを繰り返し繰り返し咀嚼し、その課程で生まれる少しの変化や、同じ題材を楽しむことにより作り出しました。

また、 これまでのFRP素材での作品に代わり、今回初めて陶芸の作品をメインにしております。 これは、3年前に陶芸家の妻と出会うことにより、陶芸での作品制作に興味を持ったことや、夫婦で一緒に器のブランドを立ち上げたことが影響しています。



title [You Are an Owl, I Am Almost a Bear]

​​Solo Exhibition's Statement:

Before the COVID-19, my approach to art making had been influenced by the outside world -via the inspirations and influences from various people. The spread of COVID-19 has dramatically restricted the sphere of my daily life – my wife, my pet and plants in my garden.

Given such situation, I created my artworks for this exhibition by cherishing little changes that I noticed during the process of digesting my inner mind and recalling memories with my wife and family from the past.

Instead of my past artworks, FRP artworks, most of my artworks this time consist of ceramics for the first time. Since I met my wife, Tomoko who is a ceramic artist, three years ago, there has been an increasing interest in creating artworks in ceramic, and we established a ceramic brand together. In addition to the 3D sculptures, we present our collaborated ceramic pieces (so-called

“shuki” in Japanese) specifically designed for Japanese sake. We created these pieces based on our brand’s motifs of flowers and

fluttering/sparkling pollen.

At last, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for this opportunity to be in touch with the audience through my artworks even under the COVID-19 pandemic.

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